Sherrys Upper and Lower Forty

Sherrys Upper and Lower Forty

Week of Thanksgiving 2010

Week of Thanksgiving 2010

Week of 8 22 10

Week of 8 22 10
Beans are growing great

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Companion planting is like being married.

There is a whole science of companion gardening. Like the corn, tomatoes like marigolds and garlic. Tomatoes and beans are incompatible and should never be married.

Nasturtiums are an edible flower that complements squash and squash family plants. Another deterrent to squash beetles that drill little fine holes in the plants, the nasturtiums provide a peppery flower to put into salads.

I am so glad the Grow Boxes are working so well. I was telling my veterinarian about the boxes and he told me he would take two. I had to explain to him that I was not selling them, but I was enjoying the garden again. He told me he thought I was representing the company and maybe I am. If I am the kind of person that Garden Patch can give a little joy, then so be it.

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