What brought a straight laced, deadline driven CPA into the garden was two free copies of Organic Gardening (and Farming) over 36 years ago. I was a new mother and I had a six month old daughter that I stayed at home with all day. Now she was a really bright child as evidenced by the fact she has multiple published books and articles by the time she was 25 years old. However, back in those days, she was not a great listener nor was she great at conversation.
I needed an outlet and I read all the time. I just wasn't that impressed with the first issue of Organic, but oh that second issue really struck a cord with me. It was all about nature's gold-the leaves of fall.
I was sold and I wanted my hard red clay to be soft and easy to plant in, so I sent out my husband to collect leaves. He would wait until somebody had bagged up fifteen or twenty bags of leaves and ask if he could have them. His usual response went like this.
"Hey Martha, some idiot wants my leaves" and the wife would respond "Well give them to him!" My dutiful husband would pick up the bags and bring them home. We set up an area for the next year's garden and dumped the leaves for next year's planting. When the spring came, my husband turned all of nature’s gold into my garden clay and the soil became a planter’s delight. It was soft and sweet and I had become a convert.
I read everything I could get my hot, big hands on and I soon was growing food for my little family, my wonderful father-in-law and mother-in-law and everybody who came to the house.
It was a wonderful garden and really made me happy to go and weed and pick. By that time, my daughter, Annie, was fourteen or fifteen months old. She would sit and help me pick veggies and pull weeds. (Remember, I said she was really smart, and she paid real close attention to what I pulled up.)
It was a great summer for vegetables and I was well on my way to being an organic gardener. I loved how fresh everything was and how safe it was to feed to my family. I loved watching things grow, and that would explain 35 years later, I am the mother of six children. I have three girls and then I had three boys. I also love watching different kinds of plants grow and I love gardening.